We are so happy to be in Utah!
We LOVE our married student ward, our apartment, and life in general. Sheehan
finally, after a long interview process, got a job at Wells Fargo as a teller. He starts September 3rd and we are so excited! My work is going really good at Elite Security and there is even a raise in the works
(Yes!). Sheehan just got called into the Sunday School Presidency as a counselor and I am the Ward Historian. I have never heard of a ward historian before but apparently there is a whole building in Salt Lake City dedicated to ward and stake historical records. So I get to write the history for the 172nd in the BYU 9th Stake. Only in Utah can you be in a 172nd ward...but we love it!! We have had a crazy couple weeks getting settled in. We've given our new member talks in Sacrament and everything.... Now we are getting old in our always changing married, student ward!
We've had lots of family come to visit over the past month and that we have had a chance to visit. We had a really good time with all of them. Now we are exhausted!

Sheehan went with Aunt Michelle and Zach to the Discovery Center in SLC and had probably the best time of the three! Sheehan lifted Zach up on his shoulder and Zach quickly slipped Sheehan's glasses and hat off and put them on and this is what Aunt Michelle found when she turned around. The crinkled nose says it all....
Overall we can't be happier and we know that we are where we are supposed to be!