I am such a hypocrite….I get annoyed when I see that people haven’t updated their blog in two+ weeks….then I notice I haven’t updated mine in two months….so here is the update!!
I'M PREGNANT!!! We get to have our first ultrasound this coming Tuesday (November 22, 2011). I'm pretty sure my doctor’s nurses messed up and mischarted (as in completely did not record) my last visit so I don’t think they realized how far along I was and that our appointment last Friday was supposed to be an ultrasound but instead it was just another appointment listening to the heartbeat. I had a freak out conversation with the nurses (it was a bad day to start) and so when I saw my doctor she said I should come in next week for an ultrasound….That’s more like it!!! I’m dying to know what the baby is so that I can get clothes and things. This little onesie in particular....

I got another promotion and raise which was timely since Sheehan is no longer working at REIC after they laid him off since they eliminated his position. That was also timely because we just switched over to my work health insurance and it allowed Sheehan the time he needed to finish up the basement apartment so that we could get it rented. We have everything finished finally and had it rented the same day we posted the ad. I am really proud of Sheehan and all the hard work he did. He re-did the whole kitchen (cabinets, installed the dishwasher, microwave, tile, baseboards, etc), he did the bathrooms (installed the shower, tile, etc) and the other 60% of little things that you don’t realize or account for when you start big projects.
Sheehan’s dad was nice enough to drive from the High Desert (California) to come and help us with some electrical and plumbing projects. He helped with a lot of things that we don’t know how to do and would have had to hire someone. We were really grateful for his talents and taking the time to come help and visit with us.

We are debating our options as far as Sheehan’s employment goes. We are thinking about working with Vivint (formerly APX) selling security systems again. We will see what happens.
I am now 18 weeks along and am feeling pretty good. I’m just starting to show and graduate into maternity pants. They are awesome! It’s like wearing PJ’s all day!....which I do 70% of the time anyway. I haven’t thrown up or had any weird symptoms. If I was the type that threw up all the time I don’t think we would have very many children so it’s a good thing I’ve been blessed so far to have a pretty easy pregnancy.
All of the chinchilla babies are gone. We gave them all away and Sheehan is having withdrawals. He made a video of them before we let them go….

Sheehan and I were called as the Christmas Activities Chairs so we are in charge. We’ve got it in the bag since half of the activity is already planned based on this ward’s traditions.
We can’t wait for the holidays and being able to see all of the family again. I’ve been dying to go to the beach and back to California so Thanksgiving is going to be awesome at Carpinteria!! I can’t wait for a Reynaldo’s bean burrito while I watch the waves crash on the beach. B-E-A-utiful.
It was so exciting this year to finally have a house where kids come to trick or treat!! I was pretty excited about it...I bought a bunch of candy weeks ahead of time which turned out to be a mistake (or a well-thought out plan) because I ate half of it before Halloween actually arrived. The Kit Kats in particular disappeared very quickly... We had Julianne, Devin, Katie, and Preston Davis over to make lanterns from pickle jars and had the Shurtliffs over to do real Jack-o-Lantern carving. It was lots of fun and the pumpkin seeds were worth working through the pumpkin slime.