I finished my pharmacy tech internship which was SO exciting. I received my license and am officially a Utah Licensed Pharmacy Technician! WOOT woot!! I went by myself to California to spend a few weeks with my family and enjoy the holidays while I waited for my license number to be processed. We were all over and I was exhausted! I forgot what it is like to live at home with MY family!! I couldn't keep up! But we had so much fun.
Kiley is getting so grown up and is so cute! We enjoy her so much!
Then we went to Disneyland!! One of my favorite places and commonly known as "the happiest place on earth" (I second that) I love Disneyland!!
(My friend Keegan and I in front of the castle)....... :)
...and Lys and I in front of the castle (We actually got to go inside! They reopened it! COOL!)
We looked for all kinds of hidden Mickeys and enjoyed all of the Christmas decorations. We found the hidden Mickey on Peter Pan which was a first.
We went to the California Adventure side too and watched the World of Color show which I have been hoping to see since it came out. It was pretty cool and we were randomly given tickets from some nice strangers to get up close in great spots to watch the show!
The morning after we went to Disneyland we learned some cake decorating techniques. We made some awesome cupcakes, cookies, and decorations! They were so cute. I am so excited to keep learning and making cool desserts. Later we made retro aprons and I finished one of my quilt projects. We went to a tamale party and spent a weekend at the L.A. Temple. It was one of the coolest experiences and I will always remember my experiences with volunteering in the temple. Once again though it was a spiritual high that left me physically exhausted.... we just kept going and going. Everyday there was someone new to visit or somewhere to go. We girls also got some beautiful makeovers.... fun fun!
Eventually Sheehan met up with me and we visited his family for Christmas Eve in Barstow. We were able to visit with some of his siblings and get a quick visit in with his best friend Aaron Craig and his wife Jamie. We got right back on the road Christmas morning after some stockings and breakfast and went to Tehachapi. Opened up gifts with my parents then got ready for the Nelson family Christmas party.

I think this is my favorite picture.... hahahaha
Happy Birthday Sheehan!!! I love you!