It was my birthday!!! 7-11!!! Finally 21!! We went out to Tucanos with Devin, Jules, and Katie. Tucanos is one of my favorites!! I love it so much! It was the perfect thing to do for my birthday because I love food!! We were stuffed.

We even got a little adventurous and tried chicken hearts. They weren't very good....but I can say that I have tried them.


Devin and Julianne

On the 22nd we went with Norm to the Pioneer Day Commemoration Concert at the Conference Center.

It was awesome!

It was themed, " For those who follow" remembering the Armed Forces who continue to pioneer and sacrifice for freedom for future generations. The whole presentation was beautiful. I was getting teary-eyed the whole time. Sheehan leaned over and saw my watery eyes and asked, "Are you crying?!" then I said, "Aren't you!?" Sheehan then rolled his eyes and said, "If you're crying you know I am...."
We really liked one of the starring guest singers, Brian Stokes Mitchell.

He had an awesome voice and he sang a song dedicated to his father who they had a video presentation of talking about when he was in the armed forces. His father was also in the audience so everyone applauded him. It was really nice.

Aunt Michelle and the boys were visiting all the family in Utah so we took Zach to the Discovery Center. Max is still too little but maybe next year he'll be ready to come play with us too! We were in the parking garage and Zach yelled out look it's Max's name! The cinderblock wall had an "I-MAX" advertisement painted on the wall.

It was a great month and we can't believe how quickly times flies. It's already the last day of the July and Summer is going by too fast. We still have so many things that we want to do! We are looking forward to my family coming to town. We'll be helping with all the construction on the fix and flip house my parents are doing. Lots of work but it's been fun to learn the how-to's of fixing up a home. Here is a pic of Sheehan helping prime the exterior of the house.

He was covered in primer from head to toe. He got most of it off until I noticed at church he had a huge glob in his hair still. I was cracking up because that happened to be the Sunday they were going to set him apart as the Elder's Quorum Second Counselor in our ward. I tried to get most of it out...hopefully they didn't notice all the white flecks in his hair. I don't think he is old enough yet to get away with the "salt and pepper" look.