We have had a great Summer and I know I am really looking forward to Fall! I like the cool weather and pretty fall colors. I've decided Fall is my favorite season. I'm really excited for Halloween and decorating for Fall!!
The first week of August we bought a new car and sold the other car we had. The other car was great but Sheehan's brother told us about a great deal for a 2003 Honda Civic. We couldn't pass up the offer so now we have the Toyota Camry and the Honda Civic. Sheehan had to go to Vegas to pick up the car so he flew to Vegas and then he drove the car back with his Mom to visit for a few weeks. We took Sheehan's Mom, Colleen, to see the sites in Salt Lake since she had never been to Utah before.

We did all of Temple Square and ate at the Lion House. I LOVE the Lion House...mostly for their amazing rolls.

Don't be alarmed....it's just Root Beer and Sarsaparilla in those bottles. haha

We also went to Swiss Days up in Midway.

We enjoyed all the crafts and of course..the scones!

We've had to help her feed them a little because 3 of them was a little much for her to handle. They are VERY cute and are a little over a week old now. They were born on September 9th. 

This is a picture of Milly a week or so before she had the babies. She was pretty exhausted.

Here's the Dad chinchilla, Max. I laughed so hard after I took this picture. I timed the picture with the perch just right.
We bought a house!!

We have been looking out for the right home with all of our requirements for a few months and then our home listed. The morning it came on the MLS we got it under contract. We are so excited and looking forward to being homeowners. It is a beautiful house in Provo! I'll get some pictures of it soon.... We are looking to close and be able to move in on Thursday or Friday. It is exactly what we were looking for and couldn't be happier!!
My parents have been back and forth from California to Utah for some business here in Utah. It's been fun to see them so often visiting us. It makes Sheehan and I really miss living so close to family. We miss going to the beach, Disneyland, and Sunday dinners with my parents but we are lucky to have family here in Utah too so we aren't totally alone. :)
My parents have been back and forth from California to Utah for some business here in Utah. It's been fun to see them so often visiting us. It makes Sheehan and I really miss living so close to family. We miss going to the beach, Disneyland, and Sunday dinners with my parents but we are lucky to have family here in Utah too so we aren't totally alone. :)
One of the trips that my parents were here we had a little family celebration for Julianne's birthday.