Lys and I took the kids to the Tracy Aviary. Besides it being very hot it was fun!
This is the best shot I could get with Lincoln and a bird. Both parties were far too "flighty" ;) to sit still long enough for a picture.
A bad habit has returned where Lincoln will not fall asleep, and oftentimes stay asleep, if Sheehan or I do not hold him or lay on the floor with him. We'll work on breaking the habit again but for now we are enjoying that he wants us around since someday he'll grow up and not need us anymore.
When we do manage to get him to sleep in his own bed we often find him sporting the "stinkbug" position on his knees with his little bum high in the air.

Lincoln is a work-aholic apparently. As soon as he comes into our room he runs straight to the computer and starts clicking and typing away as fast as he can before getting caught.
Why does he have to look so cute when he is doing such bad things!?
Lys and I were in Salt Lake and decided to go to the Asian festival to kill some time. It was very interesting and I wish we had gotten there in time to get egg rolls! Next year I am there.
The L Squad (Lincoln and Lexi) were far more entertained pushing or being pushed around in the stroller in the lobby. It went on for quite a while...
We went to a Bring-your-own Kabob-B-Que at our friends and for dessert I found this fantastic idea. They were Soooo good! Definitely a keeper.
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