Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy Holidays to You!

     It's my personal favorite time of year. Mostly because I get to listen to Christmas music ALL THE TIME. Yes, I am one of those people. Lincoln is still too little to quite understand but he loves the music and lights on the tree as much as I do. 

     It's been so fun having Alyssa and family, Devin and family, and my parents living so close. I can usually get one or all of them to come with me to all of the cute culture activities going on around Utah. One of the main reasons I have come to enjoy Utah are the community activities offered for families. A few years ago, during the pre-children days, Sheehan and I went to the Provo library for a family home evening with the Utah Valley Handbell Ringers. It was a really nice program (not to mention Free) so this year I convinced my Mom and Lyssa to come with me. It was shorter this year, but still really great! Lincoln sat through about two songs ( a record) and Lyssa said it sounded like Disneyland music. We love Disneyland in this family so that is the highest of high compliments. I'm sure we will be returning in future years.

     For Thanksgiving this year we went to Grandma Bev's. Grandma has a beautiful yard so we took advantage of the beauty and afternoon lighting to take some family photos. Lincoln had just woke up from a short nap so he wasn't particularly thrilled about the photo session but I think he is still cute looking. :)


      Being that I am six months big with child I wanted to decorate the house but couldn't quite get myself there. Fortunately, I have a wonderful Mom and sister that like to help my home get into the Christmas spirit. I fed them homemade turkey pot pie in return. Fair trade??

      My Mom gave us garland and lights for the outside of the house. I've collected various Christmas decor from family and friends so they sorted through all that as well and our house looks awesome! Way better than I could have ever put together. 

     Sheehan was the indian for the day (my Mom being the chief) putting everything up on the house. Lincoln wanted to be a big boy and climbed right up the ladder with no fear. My Mom held his legs as he climbed up and up until she couldn't reach anymore so Sheehan took over. The whole event made my legs shake nervously but Lincoln thought it was pretty awesome.

So with a huge winter storm that blew through 2 days after we put up the decorations, our house looks complete for the Christmas season with a blanket of snow.

Mom, Lys, Julianne, kiddies, and I went to the Festival of Trees together. These were some of my favorite displays. 

 I made Lincoln his very own felt Christmas tree. He loves it. He loves even more that the ornaments stick to his jammies. He learned very quick that the star goes on the top of the tree and is very careful when placing the ornaments around the tree. He has tried to stick them to the walls too. :) He's learning.

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009