January has been a little rough on our family. We have been sick at least 4 or 5 times this winter season and at least twice in January. Lincoln's nose hasn't stopped running all month. If he doesn't have a cold he is teething or has allergies. One of the times he was really sick his fever was up to 102 and he just laid around for 2 days straight. We enjoyed the cuddly time as we both continuously wiped our noses. He's been sick so often he learned that how to wipe his own nose and to wait very still for me to run for some tissues after he sneezes.
This was one of the most unexciting bath times ever. He did not feel good at all.
On a happier note, I bought Lincoln these awesome water beads and he played with them for hours. I put him in the tub for some quality control and they still ended up flying all over the bathroom. He was having the time of his life though.
All the cousins and Gigi took advantage of a free day at the Natural History Museum at the University of Utah. It's a newly built museum and was really nice. We All enjoyed it.
Lincoln didn't want to sit IN the stroller cause he wanted Gigi to hold him. This demand happens quite often and has cause some hefty chiropractic bills for poor Gigi. All the Haublit grandkids love their Gigi.
The kids loved the "digging" pit.
So despite the cold weather and cold sickness we are doing our best to get out and enjoy life. We've been going on lots of field trips with the cousins. Lincoln and I even did a parent-toddler swim class. We only made it to 3 out of the 5 classes due to colds though...that's okay. Lincoln wasn't a fan of the deep water unless he could jump in for me to catch him. :)