Friday, December 12, 2014

Brothers - Photo Blast 2014

Lincoln takes lots of Selfie's when Mommy isn't looking

My sweet Baby Vance. How can you not love this face?!

Eating Solids for the first time - 5 months. 

 Sweet sleeping boy

 Lincoln playing outside with all his toys. He may or may not have sprayed innocent people walking by and poured a bucket of water on a young middle school girl sitting on the sidewalk in front of our fence.

Playing together nice...for once. 

Lincoln loves cooking. Cars and flour make the best bread. Not really but he sure thinks so. It makes for a mess but that smile can't get any bigger or the eyebrows any higher!!

Brother Love

 Lincoln loves hats. Everyone must wear hats if he says so and the baby is a pretty good sport. 

Pic of me when I was in Kindergarten and my best friend Jenna. 

Baby Vance and Mommy before bedtime!

Going to the library in our PJ's for bedtime stories and pancakes!

This little guy has been teething and got his first teeth on the bottom in the middle at 4 months! His next teeth (top middle) haven't tried to poke through until 9 months. 

Babysitting Reef dog. Once again Lincoln loves him (and maybe I do too). 

Lincoln passed out in the stroller. Another success!

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009