Friday, June 12, 2015

Free & Fun Days at "This is The Place" Park

The boys and I love going to This is the Place Monument and Park. Lincoln loves the train that rides around. We especially love the ice cream and free admission on Huntsman Day. Lincoln and Vance will spend hours (if I let them) in the little house village. Overall we have a pretty great time and I love the history and the old buildings. 
Lincoln watching the owl perched with it's trainer. 

 Old White Chapel

Waiting for the train

 Impatiently Waiting for the train

On the train! That is one happy smile. 

Eating our ice cream.

 Vance smiling for the camera and dripping in ice cream.

Lincoln does not like the splash pad so much but Vance loves it. He runs around out there like he is a big kid. He almost gets knocked over by those big kids he think he needs to play with. 

 Lincoln would much rather roll down the grassy hills.

More trains...

 And the village of little houses just their size.

 I spy.... Lincoln. 

He is telling this person that this is his house and not to come in. :) 
The best part is when it is time to go home they are out cold before we even exit the parking lot. Mom = 2 points.

On another day Colleen joined us and we met Brad Wilcox! He started telling us all this church history and I just knew it had to be him. Pretty cool. Lincoln calls Colleen, "Colleen Ganno". She is good to play with the boys and roll down the grassy hills with Lincoln.

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009