Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jungle Jim's, Farm Country, Aquarium & Curiosity

We kept busy this summer going to all the fun places within 30 minutes of our house. Jungle Jim's was one of Lincoln's favorite with all of the little carnival rides inside. He loved the bumper cars of course. He got squished by some little girls on one of the circle rides. He didn't seem to mind.

We went to Farm Country with a neighbor and The Haub'it's of course. Lincoln was actually not as scared of riding the ponies as I thought he would be.

The boys love the vet room at Curiosity. One day Lincoln was "examining" his pretend kitty and said,  "I need to wear this. The kitty's head hurts."

We have passes to the aquarium and go all the time. It never gets old. They discover new things as their little minds grow and grasp new concepts and remember things they've seen before. There is a floating rope bridge that I can't keep Vance off of and I can't convince Lincoln he won't die and fall through. At the end of the day I get myself an egg mcmuffin while the boys sleep on our 15 minute drive home.

On another aquarium trip with the Haubit's the kids all ran around so excited. They really wore themselves out that day. Beautiful. Just look at those smiles.

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009