We had a great 4th of July weekend! We loved spending time with all of our family here in Utah. Our weekend started right after I got out of work at 5:30 on Friday. We went straight to Freedom Days in downtown Provo. I was really surprised with how much there was to do and how much we enjoyed all the festivities. There was a "Scales and Tails" show which we watched. I normally HATE lizards and snakes but in a show it was great! The little kids and I were yelling back to trainer man, " Hi Sausage!" and "Hello Mr. Grumpy" as the trainer brought out alligators, spiders, salamanders, and snakes and had names for them. I even worked up the courage to pet a 16 foot Boa that was sitting on the ground. Devin met us and we hung out until about 12:30 at night.

Devin just recently switched to Remax as a real estate agent. He was very excited this year since he could help put up the Remax hot air balloon. The only bad part was that it was at 6:00-10:00 in the morning!! He really wanted us to go and was telling us about it all week. Since we got in so late Friday night I was not ready to wake up at 6:00 in the morning. I got a phone call from Devin at 6:20 am and he was all by himself. After telling him I was too tired and not coming, I laid back in bed and felt too guilty to fall back asleep. I rolled out of bed in my pajamas and was out the door. I met up with Devin and they had deflated all of the hot air balloons due to the wind. After about an hour and half they finally got three balloons in the air and everyone else thought it was too risky including, sadly, Devin's very own Remax balloon. Sad day... but he bought me an egg McMuffin and orange juice so it was worth it.

Later on that day Sheehan and I went to Scera Park and walked around a mock 1776 village and a mock Ellis Island tour. We also enjoyed a play about the founding of our country through the revolution, the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and ending in the passage of immigrants through Ellis Island.

Later on Saturday night we went to Grandma Bev's house and had spaghetti and garlic bread with Norm. Grandma is in California so Devin, Sheehan, and I spent the evening just with Norm. We watched the fireworks start to shoot up across Utah valley that we could see off of Grandma's balcony. When it got really dark we went back to Provo to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks.

After church we went out to Heber to visit with the Blairs. We enjoyed lots of food, bingo, Michael Jackson tributes, and fireworks. Sheehan and Jayden were the official firework lighters.

We had a great weekend! We love being close to more family! Happy 4th of July! God Bless this Country we love!