Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Painting Baby Toe Nails

I love being an Auntie! Katie and I decided to paint our nails and spotted Kiley and her lack of nail polished toes... I couldn't help but suggest we paint them. Kiley and I had matching toe nail color...She's so cute! Alyssa was a very willing Mother. It didn't take long to convince her. Alyssa held down Kiley's wiggling foot, avoided her tree frog fingers, and painted her centimeter sized toe nails all at the same time. She is such a talented multi-tasking Mom. Don't mind the toys...they're good distraction devices.

1 comment:

Deven and Alyssa Perry said...

Yeah for Painted toe nails! hehe... Kiley was very proud of her toe nails matching her Auntie Beetle and Katie. :)

Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009