Here's another batch of random pictures from Spring-Fall of 2013. All are memories that need to be recorded.
Sheehan's Grandma and Grandpa Furniss came to visit for Terri's Birthday in May. Scott and Terri had their travel trailer here so we all met at their campsite and had dinner and dessert together. Lincoln was happy to sit on Grandma Shanda's (Terri's mom) lap. At least for a few minutes.
In December we went to Temple Square to listen to Bailey Holmes-Blair's school choir at the church office bldg. After the performances we played in the children's area of the Church History Museum.
In April, we went with Shay and Rebecca and family to Chucky Cheese to celebrate Nefi's 2nd birthday. Lincoln was happy to play in the cars until we put a quarter in them and they started moving. He didn't think that was so awesome.
I think it was August when we went to Gardner Village for their 70's disco night. We all dressed up in our groovy 70's best. We went out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants in Gardner Village, Archibald's then walked around the cute village the rest of the night.

Sheehan served in church as a Primary teacher for the 8-11 year olds for over a year. He really enjoyed this calling and had a lot of good laughs at the funny things the kids would say and do. Lincoln loved going to class too and the kids were really good to him. The kid to the farthest left with the green tie is Roberto. He was visiting family for a few months and had came from Honduras. We took this picture and framed it for him. It was the last Sunday he was in our ward before having to go back to Honduras. He was a really nice boy. Since he didn't speak English Sheehan would sit next to him and translate for him while the other teach taught the lessons. He cried when he told Sheehan that he had to go back to Honduras and would miss everyone in his class.

For my birthday in July my parents took me out to Tepanyaki. I love their fried rice, veggies, and yummy steak. Sheehan is really good at catching the shrimp in his mouth when the hibachi chef tosses it to him off the grill. Me...not so much. Although I don't like shrimp (or any seafood for that matter) maybe if he tossed me some steak I'd be more motivated to catch it in my mouth. Not likely though. Sheehan and my Mom are the pros at that coordination.
We started and finished construction on my parent's basement apartment in about 3 months (From August to October). Sheehan did a lot of the work including ALL of the electrical work. He has learned a lot of skills from my family's different construction projects over the years and with help from his Dad David.
Framing with Ralph - Deven's Brother-in-law
Cutting wood for Ralph
Wiring - Correct!
Measure twice, cut once!
Here is some of Sheehan's electrical work he is very proud of. I had to limit the amount of pictures from the many he took of his handy work. Most of us don't know what we are looking at.
In June or July we had family come visit so we played over at the new community splash pad just a few minutes walk from our house.
At the splash pad with Zach
Sitting in the front yard. He hates sitting still in his car seat in the car but outside the car it's the greatest place to sit apparently.
Lincoln grabbed onto this elderly lady's walker. She didn't even notice he was there.
The Antaloczy's invited everyone to go zip lining with them. I declined but Sheehan went and had a really great time with everyone.
Whenever I do my makeup or clean the bathroom counters Lincoln sits in the sink on Sheehan's side. As the picture shows he plays with the water and practically takes a bath in the sink. Apparently Lincoln was having a bout of diaper rash since there is "butt paste" right at the front of this photo.
We had a multiple birthday party at Archibald's in Gardner Village. The Antaloczy's took us all out to celebrate birthday lunch and walk the cute shops in Gardner Village. It was a fun day and the weather was perfect.
Also in July we went and walked around Temple Square with family. Just touring and enjoying the different visitor centers and museums.
Link and I in the old tabernacle.
This is at the boy scout exhibit of the church history museum.
Here is a random picture of Lincoln playing in the dryer. *Which is extremely dangerous* If we pull warm clothes out of there it is a race between Lincoln and the cat to jump inside and enjoy the warmth.
Lincoln was having a great time at the Disney store. Who wouldn't have a good time at a store with a sparkly floor? He stopped to give some kisses to his reflection in the mirror.
We went up to Ogden to visit with the Grandma and Grandpa Busby and Gene and Mirne Busby. Lincoln enjoyed playing the piano with Pierce. Pierce was good to be patient with little Lincoln and his wild ways.
Grandpa Don Busby (Terri's dad) and Lincoln.