Monday, February 23, 2015

When Daddy is Away...We Just Cry

Sheehan left for 5 days and 4 nights for a work conference in Dallas. It was horrible. The boys and I caught colds right before he left so we were extra tired and cranky on top of missing him. We barely made it and we all cried. Let's hope his business trips in the future will be a little easier for us to handle. Distance certainly makes the heart grow fonder...

Lincoln Bakes & the Family Goes Bowling

We are renting the Pleasant Grove townhouse waiting for our house to be done. Whenever Lincoln sees me cooking or baking he pulls up a chair to stand on so he can help. He is getting better and better. He is a pretty good little helper. We only have minor flour throwing and excessive egg cracking. ;) I love the picture where he is proudly standing in front of the oven waiting for his cookies to be done. No pants and all he is proud!

 We went bowling as a family down at Miracle Bowl in Provo. Lincoln and Vance both like the atmosphere with all the music and commotion. In between turns they run around giggling then stop for a dance break. We had a great time!

 I just wanted to throw in the picture of the boys in their carseats. Vance always has a blanky and bottle. Lincoln usually does too. You can see the DVD player that has saved us from long, boring car rides full of crying...well at least mostly no crying. :)

A couple nights a week I find Lincoln laying next to Daddy both on their tablets watching their shows before we bring Lincoln to his bed. Lincoln loves his time with Daddy and Daddy loves his time with him. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cousin Fun - Baby J & Linko Edition

Devin and Julianne are moving into their new house in Lehi. I am so excited! I am excited for them but doubly excited because we are only a few weeks behind them! So we are moving soon too!!! Agh! I don't want to wait anymore!

Moving on...leading up to the move Julianne needed help with Baby J so that she could finish packing. She needed to do Jacquelyn's closet in particular so that she wouldn't misunderstand seeing all her dresses going into boxes. Lincoln and Jacquelyn play really well together. They scream and fight but then next minute they are giggling and running around so I figure they can work things out.

They enjoyed painting together. Baby J did NOT like when I put this shirt on her to protect her pretty, clean, and white leotard (she just came from dance class). She got over it eventually. They are going to love being neighbors!

Helicopters & Shopping Carts

I went to Salt Lake twice in one week once to pick up nightstands and another time to meet up with my cousin Clydie's wife (Britney) and their little boy Blake. Both trips we went to Discovery Gateway Childrens Museum. Lincoln always loves that place and Vance is getting old enough to have a GREAT time as well.

Lincoln was playing by himself in the life flight helicopter when some older (10ish) boys came running over in their nurse and doctor outfit shouting about their "patient" since Lincoln was in the driver spot they began telling him to, "Go,  go, go! Let's get our patient to the hospital." Lincoln then began to wildly push buttons and fly the plane. It's a good thing I was far away because I couldn't help but giggle at how serious everyone was about the situation. So fun!

Recently Sheehan's Mom, Colleen, told us about how one day she was leaving the grocery store and tried to use the cart to get her groceries home. She got to the end of the parking lot and couldn't figure out why the cart wouldn't move any further. 

She examined the cart and the wheels thinking maybe she ran into a rock or something. After finding nothing she took her groceries out of the cart and walked home, cart-less. She called Sheehan and told him this story. He said, "did you know a lot of grocery stores are starting to install systems that lock the wheels of cart when you go outside the perimeter of their parking lot so that people don't take the carts home?" She had no idea. 

Well while we were at the discovery museum Vance was loving the grocery store area and the grocery carts in particular. He then started to push the cart out of the grocery store and into the house. I texted Sheehan and said, "he is taking after his Grandma Colleen."

I saw this cool quote in the children's museum by Amelia Earhart. I have always been pretty fascinated by her. Some like we have the same can do attitude. 

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

It's no wonder I had my gallbladder removed just after I turned 24 years old. My mom recently told me about this guest on Dr. Oz who said what is on your counter top can tell you if you are overweight or fit. The theory is that if it is on your counter then it is food that is quickest to grab. By the looks of what is on our's not looking good for us.

Mom Life

I feel that this picture is pretty self explanatory. This is real mom life summed up. The diaper bag, stashed boxes of Huggies, never ending diaper changes, tractor toys, play rugs, security blanket, and a boy with his trusty helmet.

A picture is worth a thousand words right?

Vance's First Haircut

Alyssa is so good to me and the boys. She cuts and dyes my hair and give the boys their haircuts. Vance is 10 months old and his hair was growing a little long over his ears so it was time for a trim. He did pretty good. At least there was no crying. Our baby "Bances" is growing up!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Playing Around

We did lot of staying home trying to keep busy inside during January. It was cold and flu after strep all month long. 

We did some painting...

Danced on table...

Went to El Pollo Loco with Papi and Gigi...

Made a disaster out of the boy's room (over and over and over)...

And put birthday hats (aka Sorry gameboard pieces) on our heads...

One night Sheehan and I were watching ourselves some Shark Tank when Lincoln came to us whining that the turtle was "Boken." (Translation: broken). We said sorry then kept watching our show. Awesome parenting!

Lincoln was being much too quiet a few minutes later so I went looking for him and found him trying to fix turtle all by himself. He went in Sheehan's desk, found the correct screwdriver, and began trying to take the screws out so we could replace the batteries. It was adorable. Sheehan helped him and turtle was soon fixed much to Linko's delight. Love my boys!

I've mentioned before our unusually warm weather so Lincoln, Vance, and I played outside. I was impressed with Lincoln's coordination kicking around the soccer ball for a 2 (almost 3) year old. Sheehan is determined he will play football or basketball but he appears to be a pretty good soccer player. All I care is that he comes home tired.

Seeing this at the end of the day is sweet success!

From Babies to Boys

Time is going by so fast. Lincoln is getting taller and talking more; turning more and more into a little boy. Vance has started walking (unsteadily but getting better) and he jabbers all day long. Vance has been getting taller, too which has made keeping Lincoln's food and snacks out of reach harder and harder. He is always so proud when he manages to reach Lincoln's food. Naughty baby Bances.

I love this picture! Lincoln is being so sweet but then you see Vance peeking (or photobombing) in the corner. So funny!

Winter this year has been extremely mild. It only snowed twice so far. It been in the 50's most of January and February. Since its been so nice outside we've been able to play outside a lot and go do fun outings.

Cute boys crawling through tunnels at the aquarium.

Lincoln has been getting a lot better playing nicely with Vance. It is SO nice when they are having fun together. 

Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009