Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mommy More Scratch-Lincoln

I've been able to manage getting Vance to take a nap in his crib and for Lincoln to at least stay in my room and play on my phone (if he doesn't take a nap with me). Lincoln has grown to love cuddling. He was not a cuddly baby and toddler but he is a cuddly boy and loves to have his back scratched. He likes to hold my hand when he falls asleep in my bed or if I stay with him until he falls asleep in his bed. Sometimes he'll roll over and say, " Mommy, more scratch." If I stop before he falls asleep he'll repeat it again, "Mommy, more scratch." Sometimes I stop on purpose just to hear him say it. :)
I could hold this little Spiderman boy's hand forever. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Potty Training Lincoln

Potty Training has been the worst. I lost count of how many chonies Lincoln has deliberately pooped in. I don't even bother trying to salvage the undies. Just get them out of the house asap!

We have still been unsuccessful but I am determined not to have THREE children in diapers come March when this baby girl is due. Maybe I'll even get ambitious and try potty training Vance. He's watched the routine enough with Lincoln to know!

Lincoln is slowly getting better. I threatened to take away his favorite kitty stuffed animal if he pooped or pee pee'd in his chonies. He came up to me that day and said very concerned and serious, "Mommy, you better put me in a diaper or I'm going to poopy and pee pee's EVERYWHERE!" I then convinced him to use the potty. Someday....they will be able to relieve themselves with no assistance from me...someday...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Old Haub Family Photos

An old Father's Day video Lys, Devin, and I assembled for my Dad a couple years back for Father's Day resurfaced recently so I took some snapshots of some of my favorite picture to keep with along with the memories I share on here of my little family! Family is a wonderful things and I'm so grateful it is such a vital part of God's plan and a blessing to have family in this life.

One summer Devin, my Dad, and Gary decided to go on a huge hike through the National Parks ending in Mammoth. My Mom, me, and Aunt Michelle had a great trip renting a boat on the lake and camping in the motorhome all together. The men came home scratched up and tired and my Dad was very cranky (big surprise-haha). By the end of their expedition Gary was carrying most of the equipment. He lives up to his last name, Strong.

When I was around 8 years old my Dad took me to a Daddy Daughter American Girl Luncheon. I still remember it and how happy I was to have my Dad there.

In the Spring of 2015 I went with my Mom and Aunt Pat to visit my Great-Great Uncle JR (the youngest brother of my Great Grandfather Hugh Nelson) and his wife Maureen. They are living in South Jordan in an assisted living facility there. He is so spry for his age and is still as funny as I remember when they came to visit when I was about 12 in Bear Valley Springs. What a blessing it is to be able to meet him and visit with him?! It helps me be feel a little closer to my great grandfather Hugh knowing his brother JR.

I loved growing up in Bear valley Springs. My Dad took me out in the little sailboat on 4 island lake. 

Every Easter I would put my peter rabbit bunny out on my geegee blanket and make a little nest for the Easter bunny to leave candy. I still have this Peter Rabbit and am hoping one of my kids will love it as much as I do!

One year we did family pictures during one of our annual summer trips to Yosemite.

Alyssa found a bunch of cute old family pics that I want to save! I'll do my best to remember details.
I actually have memories of this day with my friends Jenna on this pony ride. I was at Jenna's house all the time. Her family took me out to eat all the time. My Mom would joke that I had tried more restaurants than she did. Jenna was in my grade and her grandma also lived down the street from us and cut Devin's hair until he passed away. Jenna's parents lived just a couple streets away. After seeing Jenna's long hair is when I decided I needed to have long hair too. We both had long brown hair and being the same age people often asked if we were twins. We giggle and say, "no." I remember we were obsessed with Mary Kate and Ashley and we'd come up with adventures like their movie series. Her Grandma would always buy us new games at the store or the latest Mary Kate & Ashley show. 

Haley was another one of my little friends. I think this is preschool graduation. I was kinda a tall little girl haha. Haley and I liked to play power rangers and superman. 

I think the classroom pic is from first grade. I'm not completely sure. I do remember this being one of my favorite dresses though. 

The front door pic is at the avocado house in Saugus, Ca. I'm holding the latest Mary kate and Ashley movie. 

My friends Jenna and I in my room on the bean bags Alyssa and I got for Christmas in our princess dresses. 

I would be the picture on the bus with me and my Dad is on a Yosemite tram. I look like I'm between 1 and 2 years old. 

Preschool or Kindergarten graduation with Mom and Dad. Not sure 

At someone's birthday party. I don't look too fond of Mickey Mouse taking a pic with me. 

My Mom and Dad

Kohl Shillig and I are still friends. I still love talking to her and spending time with her now as much as I did then. 

 For my 12th birthday party my parents asked if I wanted a party or a present. I wanted to take all my friends to the beach in the motorhome. So we drove all the way out there just for the day. 
Left to right in the pic with the boogie boards are: 
Rachel, Lauren Brewer, Kohl Shillig, Me, Sabrina Walker, Megan DeSilva, and Katie Pezzillo. 

Kohly and I took a science class when we were both homeschooled. Here we are dissecting a poor little frog. I remember it smelled really bad. 

 Decorating Halloween lanterns. I still have these lanterns :)
Playing a card game in the tent trailer. I'm sure this is in Yosemite. Kale, Kohl, me, Ian, Micheal 

Playing on the monkey bars on vacation somewhere, maybe Mammoth. 
 I wanted to do something different for Halloween and this was what I thought would be funny. Me taking a bath. I think I saw it in a magazine or something. So there I am in all my tubby glory. 

Grandma Bev and Norm took Alyssa and I on a couple trips to the east coast to tour so many different historical sites. I like to think I gain my skill for travel planning from my Grandma Bev and my Mom. Probably my love for history from them also.

New Year, New Hair, New Colds

On our way home from Texas on Monday, December 28th I got a call from my Mom saying Kyle Nelson (my Cousin) and his family (wife Paola, boys Noah and Nilo) wanted to come visit so their kids could play in the snow. They asked to stay at our house and arrived around midnight Monday night. We LOVED having them come visit. Lincoln was so happy to play with Noah. He actually played in the snow with them. It's not so fun to play with just Mom...haha.
One morning I was eating cereal at the table and found these little eyes watching me. Nilo was hungry. Haha

They stayed until New Years Eve night up until we watched the ball drop at 10 pm then they headed back to St. George to spend some time with all the Nelson boys before heading home to California. 

For New Years Eve we celebrated at 10 pm again with our fellow East Coast Americans since we and all our little children are too tired to stay up until midnight. Since all my siblings were all over for Christmas we decided to do our Christmas Present Game on New Year's Eve. We played Pit and the winner of each round got to open a present or steal an opened one from someone else. At one point I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. It was so much fun! 

One of the gifts we won from the Christmas Gift Game was a dinosaur painting kit. Lincoln and Vance have just loved it. Vance calls dinosaurs "saur-saurs"

We decided it was time to get outside so we bundled up in our coats, hats, boots, and gloves and went for a long, although short distance, bike ride around the neighborhood. We then gave up the bike ride and decided to just play outside. 

Lincoln got a new hat and so Vance, wanting to be like his big brother, has been wearing Lincoln's old hat around the house. He puts it on himself just about every fashionable way but with the bill facing forward. We love this boy!

(18 weeks pregnant)
Alyssa has been mine and the boys "stylist" for at least a year now. I find these crazy ideas and we call her best friend Courtney (who is a professional stylist) and we figure out how to execute the idea. Lys is always game to be adventurous with me and usually it turns out pretty great!

We went to the aquarium with my Mom one day and we began to notice Vance was getting more and more lethargic and HOT!
He came down that night with what the Doctor thinks was Roseola. Lincoln started up with it about 2 days later and had a fever of 103.6 the first night. I get so wound up emotionally and worried when either of the boys are sick. I slept with Vance down in the cold guest room for 3 nights while his fever went on to make sure he wasn't getting too high of a temperature and to keep his medicine on track.

Sheehan slept with Lincoln who only went through 2 nights of high temperatures before he got over the virus. Vance just got some rash behind his knees but Lincoln did not get any rash. Fortunately, whatever they actually had was not contagious to adults.

 I was pretty wore out after a week of fevers so Sheehan gave me a Saturday afternoon of pampering with my Mom. I was choking back tears when he told me about the plans he had made for me and my Mom. They planned for me to get a 1 hour prenatal massage, then I went to Bare Minerals and got a new makeover, then we went to pick up my Dad from the airport and went on to eat at a new hotspot in SLC called Even Stevens Sandwiches.  It was a good time and yummy food and the massage was amazing! She worked on my lower back where the weight and strain from pregnancy just makes me hurt! I could get used to having a massage regularly.

Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009