Monday, June 30, 2014

Two Boys & Not Enough Mom to go Around

These boys keep me busy. There are days that are really hard and I wonder who in their right mind has so many children? How do they go anywhere or do anything without just losing it? I've definitely had those moments where the baby is screaming in one arm and I'm dragging Lincoln mid-tantrum out of a store with the other arm. Worst thing ever. But then they do something sweet or cute and I remember why I chose to be a Mom. The good moments are fewer but they make me able to get through the hard times. 

I love this picture with Lincoln covered in suckers. The poor boy got some shots so we got him some suckers to make life a little better. He did pretty good despite the no-fun shots. 

Poor Bagheera is getting less and less time now that we have two littles about. If I'm hanging out on the couch he thinks it is the opportune moment to find a spot on my lap.

Baby Vance is probably about 1 month old here. Lincoln and Vance lived in these sleeper outfits for the first 2 months. I love them. Baby Vance has been so good.

For Easter, Grandma Bev gives the boys money so I had to take a picture of Vance enjoying his new bounty.
Lincoln has really become quite a character. He is so silly. We love our crazy boy.

It is so true that the boys are so much cuter when they are sleeping. Hence the many, many photos of Vance passed out asleep?

The Antaloczy's came to visit so that we could participate in Zach's baptism. Max just wanted to hold Vance. He was really good and very careful. He could check that off his list of vacation to-do's.

Lincoln and Vance hanging out on Mommy's bed. Lincoln has been very careful with his baby brother. Vance is 2 weeks old here.

I try to give Lincoln my time and attention. It doesn't always happen. If I'm being honest a lot of times I end up sitting on the couch holding the baby and watching documentaries or catching up on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. But every once in a while I turn off the tv, put down the baby, and play with Lincoln. One day we made theses chocolate pumpkin muffins together with a m&m on each one. He loves cooking with me. It requires some heavy supervision but he does pretty good.

I know Lincoln is going to miss his dirt construction site in our front yard when we get the landscaping done. He will play out there for hours. 

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009