Sunday, June 7, 2015

Once Upon A Hike

On Lyssa's Birthday June 7th the Pleasant Grove Rec Center put on their annual Family Day Hike. This year's theme was "Once Upon A Hike." My Dad joined us this year along with Devin's family. There was a yummy breakfast some of the highlights were donuts, scones, and fresh fruit. Then we made princess hats and swords which you can see in the picture with the princesses and in every picture after Vance was hitting people with the sword along the trail from my backpack. 

The kids were so excited to have their Papi there with us and he was good to hold each of their hands and help them walk the trail (or sometimes be carried) up the trail. 

 Lincoln and Kiley found a butterfly along the trail and were trying to convince it let them pick it up. Despite their best efforts it flew away. 

 We finally reached the waterfall at the top. The kids were so excited but a little timid about approaching the waterfall at first. Then when it came time to leave they wouldn't leave it alone. They also suddenly lost all energy and desire to move so we all had to carry a kid or two. Vance had the king's life the entire way. He was just happy to have a cool, blue sword. 

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009