Friday, August 28, 2015

Cute Little Brothers

It is a rare moment when Lincoln is wearing normal clothes and stood still long enough to let us comb his hair so we need to memorialize the picture of him in the green and blue plaid shirt. The boys get into lots of things together including the dryer. I snapped a picture before lecturing them that playing in the dryer was extremely unsafe. 

This dirt lot will become dozens of homes someday but before that happens the boys thought it was their very own dirt racetrack. 
First thing in the morning Sheehan would give the boys some of his peanut butter chocolate protein shake and put on some cartoons while I get a little more sleep. My childhood stuffed animal Peter Rabbit is next to Vance and in the background we have a (new to us) piano keyboard that used to be my Grandpa Haub's. I have restarted piano lessons many times and this was one of those times. 

This text to Sheehan from me (Kiersten) perfectly shows just how happy I was at this time. The boys at this age were so sweet, snuggly and always doing cute things. We have so many pictures from this stage because they were always doing something to make us smile. 

Lincoln was always getting hurt. Always. He had bruises, and road rash, and goose eggs. Grandma Bev would always make a big deal and ask what we did to him. I promise we never hurt him. He did plenty of that himself with his wild and daredevil ways. 
Vance loved to climb at the park, any ladder he could find and also our backyard deck. One day he climbed a big ladder in our backyard our backyard neighbor has a 2-story house and can see into our yard. She happened to look out the window to see a baby Vance standing at the very tip top of the ladder. She screamed and came running down the stairs past her confused husband. When she got to her back door I was in the process of getting Vance down and taking down the ladder so he couldn't climb it again. Vance isn't a wild boy but he loves to climb, loves to do whatever Lincoln is doing, and loves TOOLS!

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009