Thursday, February 12, 2015

Helicopters & Shopping Carts

I went to Salt Lake twice in one week once to pick up nightstands and another time to meet up with my cousin Clydie's wife (Britney) and their little boy Blake. Both trips we went to Discovery Gateway Childrens Museum. Lincoln always loves that place and Vance is getting old enough to have a GREAT time as well.

Lincoln was playing by himself in the life flight helicopter when some older (10ish) boys came running over in their nurse and doctor outfit shouting about their "patient" since Lincoln was in the driver spot they began telling him to, "Go,  go, go! Let's get our patient to the hospital." Lincoln then began to wildly push buttons and fly the plane. It's a good thing I was far away because I couldn't help but giggle at how serious everyone was about the situation. So fun!

Recently Sheehan's Mom, Colleen, told us about how one day she was leaving the grocery store and tried to use the cart to get her groceries home. She got to the end of the parking lot and couldn't figure out why the cart wouldn't move any further. 

She examined the cart and the wheels thinking maybe she ran into a rock or something. After finding nothing she took her groceries out of the cart and walked home, cart-less. She called Sheehan and told him this story. He said, "did you know a lot of grocery stores are starting to install systems that lock the wheels of cart when you go outside the perimeter of their parking lot so that people don't take the carts home?" She had no idea. 

Well while we were at the discovery museum Vance was loving the grocery store area and the grocery carts in particular. He then started to push the cart out of the grocery store and into the house. I texted Sheehan and said, "he is taking after his Grandma Colleen."

I saw this cool quote in the children's museum by Amelia Earhart. I have always been pretty fascinated by her. Some like we have the same can do attitude. 

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009