Monday, February 23, 2015

Lincoln Bakes & the Family Goes Bowling

We are renting the Pleasant Grove townhouse waiting for our house to be done. Whenever Lincoln sees me cooking or baking he pulls up a chair to stand on so he can help. He is getting better and better. He is a pretty good little helper. We only have minor flour throwing and excessive egg cracking. ;) I love the picture where he is proudly standing in front of the oven waiting for his cookies to be done. No pants and all he is proud!

 We went bowling as a family down at Miracle Bowl in Provo. Lincoln and Vance both like the atmosphere with all the music and commotion. In between turns they run around giggling then stop for a dance break. We had a great time!

 I just wanted to throw in the picture of the boys in their carseats. Vance always has a blanky and bottle. Lincoln usually does too. You can see the DVD player that has saved us from long, boring car rides full of crying...well at least mostly no crying. :)

A couple nights a week I find Lincoln laying next to Daddy both on their tablets watching their shows before we bring Lincoln to his bed. Lincoln loves his time with Daddy and Daddy loves his time with him. 

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009