Friday, January 29, 2010

Utah we are coming back!

I guess we just couldn't stay away from Utah. We will be transitioning back through February and March. I will be moving up there in February and Sheehan will be back and forth finishing up working for Executive Security. We are SO EXCITED!! Not necessarily because it is Utah and it is freezing and snowy but because there are so many opportunities for us there and Sheehan will be able to finish his Bachelors and hopefully keep moving on to his Masters. We are pretty much starting over again and are so excited! We will be sharing an apartment with Devin which should make for some fun stories and I'm sure a lot of double dates.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Soooooo?? How's Utahhh? Cliffhangers are never popular with me. Hint.

Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009