Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Weeks Leading Up To Vance's Arrival

     My 2nd pregnancy was not the easiest. Kicking it off with gallbladder surgery at 7 weeks then working part time through mid-February. Being diagnosed with polyhydramnios and dealing with all that extra fluid weight along with extra monitoring in the last 6 weeks including weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests. Getting the STOMACH FLU at 37 weeks pregnant then being hospitalized for dehydration causing Sheehan to have to come home early from his Home Inspectors Conference in Dallas, Texas. Boy, am I a complainer? 

     Needless to say, it has been a little rough. I was really worried about being able to care for Lincoln boy during the last few months of pregnancy but he was my little buddy and just hung out with me. He is learning words and how to say them and what things mean. It's so fun to see him learn and grow and to see how smart he really is. I love my little, busy Linko. There were days I would lay in bed all afternoon after naptime and watch Netflix and he would just lay there with me (or jump on the bed around me). I would lay on the couch in the living room and ask him to bring Mommy a blanket and he'd bring me every blanket in sight and if any of them fell or slightly touched the floor he would declare, "Oh No!" and coming running over to throw it back on top of me. He is a really sweet boy. 

     Mid February I worked my last shift before going on leave. It was so hard working those last couple of shifts and I left early quite a few times. Fortunately this time around my hands and feet did not get very swollen. With Lincoln I was like a marshmallow puff. My face did get a little puffy toward the end though as you can see in the picture of Lincoln and I on the couch. He's just laying on my big belly which never lasted long cause Vance would start kicking at him. 

My parents, Devin and family, Lys and family, and I were able to get together with Jeff Brewer and Jonathan Bethke from Bear Valley Ward for a Sunday evening to go shooting and have some tacos together. 

Lincoln loves chocolate (who doesn't) and learned to climb up Sheehan office chair and desks to reach his business chocolate. Sheehan bring candy bowls around to real estate agent's offices to gain business. Lincoln and I are definitely eating up business's an addiction. I love the cat just hanging out like he is expecting some sort of treat too. haha

Lincoln LOVES cars and plays with them for hours every day. He likes to run them all over your arms, head, and legs...and the cats head and back. Bagheera (Cat) doesn't appreciate being a racetrack but he tolerates it for a few minutes. 

Life is great! We are so excited for the arrival of baby Vance! Sheehan's business, Onsite Home Inspections is thriving. We are all in good health. We just cannot be more grateful for our blessings of home and family. The happiness we feel in this life from our little family is a testimony to me of the truthfulness of the gospel and God's plan for us. 

Business is great!
Checking in to the hospital
39 weeks and ready for a c-section delivery!
I had Polyhydramnios with Vance so my belly was full of fluid which is a lot of reason for a 2nd c-section.

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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009