Monday, September 14, 2009

Church Callings

Sheehan D. Thomson, “The Den Leader”
Kiersten L. Thomson, “Second Counselor, Young Women’s Presidency
Sheehan and I really do like our callings, very much.
I do enjoy getting to know the Young Women. It feels like I’m in a continuation of being the Laurel President. I am so bossy and controlling I pretty much self-appointed myself a sub-leader in my Young Women’s years. So now it doesn’t feel much different except it really is my calling. I often hear this from down the hallway, “Hey Homie, Hey Sister T.!” or “OMG, you look fabulous!”
Sheehan is the den leader….he is a big Cub Scout at heart and is living the cub scout years that he never had.
Some quotes from the Cub Scouts:
  • Sheehan explaining that the pack is going to help one boy get his Arrow of Light. Justin raises his hand and says, “Don’t you think that will be kinda boring for the rest of us.”
  • After making a mini marshmallow catapult, one cub yells out, “Let’s play puppy poops!” Then begins counting the marshmallows that he stuffs into his mouth until he can no longer pronounce “puppy poops”.
  • Justin, “Since I was sick last week because I had a sunburn can we do Legos again this week?”
  • Sheehan was carpooling a couple boys when the car broke down. Mid-breakdown Samuel says, “Why is the car shaking?...”


Shay said...

I've been in YW for a few years now and LOVE it!

Deven and Alyssa Perry said...

It sounds like Sheehan and those boys really really get along good. How fun for them to have someone like Sheehan to look up to and try to be friends with.
I like your nicknames from the ym, kierty.

brandigirlio said...
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Kiersten and Sheehan's Wedding Day! March 21st, 2009